American Aquatic

Before you hit the trails in and around Elkin, stop by American Aquatic on Main Street to stock up on outdoor adventure apparel and gear. This specialty retailer (with locations in Elkin and Ocean Isle Beach), carries clothing for men, women and children. Whether you're hiking, cycling, running, paddling or fly-fishing, you'll find what you need to succeed.
Choose from brands such as Scales Gear, Fish Hippie, Kavu, Bajio and more. From small essentials, such as sunscreen and hats, to larger items, including packs, hammocks and outdoor games, American Aquatic is ready to outfit your trip.
Categories | Shopping |
Phone | (336) 526-1999 |
Website | Website |
Town | Elkin |
Location |
127 W. Main Street,
Elkin, NC 28621 |